Hi, i am trying to learn Gughunter's Space Tug 2001 source. I am planning on making an revised version for the latest byond. But i need to learn the source first. Any tips on learning other peoples code?
The best advice I can give you is NOT to learn from other people's sources unless it is clearly from a tutorial.

I speak from experience when I "learned" to program from Dragonball Zeta and DBO. I pretty much had to relearn everything to be more efficient and robust (as the old methods I used to do were very CPU-intensive and ugly looking since I didn't know any better)
In response to GhostAnime
I believe he was referring more with how to acquaint oneself with someone else's source for the purpose of making use of it.

It just takes time, try looking through things and anything you don't understand, document. You'll start to learn where certain things are and how everything is organized that way.

I do agree with GhostAnime, however, in that if you are attempting to learn from someone else's source, it's generally a bad idea(however different Zeta is from Gughunter's work). I would suggest simply starting from scratch and using the game as a template, and then add/fix the things that you think should be changed. This avoids the above issue of becoming familiar with a new coding style and allows you to learn more from the process of creating the game.
In response to Robertbanks2
Well, im not learning from a dragonball source or anything like that , I was trying to learn from Gughunters space tug 2001 source. Its a lot more complicated than i can see.
I'm going to be really straight with you. Get inside their head,always ask what do they want the system to do and can I see their system doing?
In response to PCGeek
Well, im not learning from a dragonball source or anything like that , I was trying to learn from Gughunters space tug 2001 source. Its a lot more complicated than i can see.

Yeah it's going to be difficult to work with something you don't understand. If you're going to have any luck you're probably going to want to continue practicing and learning concepts in bite sized chunks rather than working with a large already built code base which wasn't intended as a learning tool. Once you have a stronger foundation and can understand what is going on in Gughunter's source it'll just be a matter of time getting acquainted with how things were done to the point of being able to modify it competently yourself.