var/l = 0
for(var/obj/Char/C in CharList)
src << output(C,"grid3:1,[l]")

mouse_drag_pointer = src

Problem description:

A weird thing I haven't been able to work around; when doing a click and drag on an object from the grid that hasn't been moved from the grid before (aka is not on the main map), the mouseover icon does not change at all. However, it changes fine for any and all subsequent mouse drags on the object. Results are the same setting mouse_drag_pointer = icon. How can I fix this? Any help is appreciated.
i can't help u, but this reply will get u at the top of the forums list, :P
Vexonater wrote:
> mob/proc/DList()
> var/l = 0
> for(var/obj/Char/C in CharList)
> src << output(C,"grid3:1,[l]")
> l++
> obj/Char
> MouseDown()
> mouse_drag_pointer = src

Setting it in MouseDown() is probably too late in the event cycle, so it doesn't go into effect until the next time. Try setting it in New() (or by whatever point its icon is set up).