Ikou Era Classic

by AllSmiles
Ikou Era Classic
Live and feel feudal Japan.
i was playing this game and the shogun imprisoned me for life i rped breaking out and kept asking a specific admin to read it but he kept ignoring me and just started talking to his friends
Great...this admin is a douche,she banned me for not caring about rp
this games admins are crap,she banned me,IP banned for being a bother and not caring aboout rp,not only that but she completely ignored peoples calls for help,she is a terrible admin
funny it took along time to come back and now is gone again.
Sorry for the lack of contents and the servers being down. Im looking at the files atm and look at the things I can do to fix a few things. I canceled my previous VPS and now is looking for a nice one to use, so only time will let you know =)
Smiles...Will Ikou Era come back? And why did you change it's name to "Ikou Era Classic"?
Hehe please get this game back on I use to love my RP on this as a baddass GangLord known as Zard, also one thing u can change is the jobs that are available to get cash cuz I couldnt get none to buy a dummy to train on -_- but this was my favorite game on byond bring it back fast =) or make a test server :D trying to get ya to open it back up faster :D Test Servers are all the rage :D SERVER ON NOW!!!
Erm... Didn't I kill Zard. I was Rain Tsuki, the epic guard.~
666 fans lmaoo.
here is question can you be a samurai?and this game is boss!
thanks allsmiles
Sorry for the downtime, seems like something is causing DD to overload =/
It would be nice if I could host the server from this point. I have a vps that could put it up 24/7 or so along with an auto restarter. A lot of people still want to play.
In response to Killerbass
Killerbass wrote:
It would be nice if I could host the server from this point. I have a vps that could put it up 24/7 or so along with an auto restarter. A lot of people still want to play.

Yeah...it would be nice if this server was hosted 24/7
Yes, I'm also looking forward to playing this again. It's been offline for a week.
Okey...I bet the hoster got a girl friend if not, he's either on a vacation or they are updating the game it sucks that your not notified...
Wonder if anyone can contact the host? We love this game and we want to play!
Smiles should host if it takes this long...
Don't worry about it. Go play SSO or something for now.
1 week later...
The Naginata is a long staff with a blade at the end. Due to its massive height, the Naginata was the weapon of choice for battle against horsemen and swords. Stretching over 5 feet tall with a 20" carbon steel blade with intense blood grooves. <------Recommending this Weapon to be added to Ikou Era...Of course you would need to be Good at Woodcutting and A blacksmith....(Tay :D) Anyways, l Just a random idea that popped into my head after playing Dynasty Warriors. Gan Ning, baby! XP Erm...DERP!
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