I sold a ton of my old games today at EBgames.. but heres the funny thing..

Out of those games I had Wild Arms 4 and Wild Arms Alter Code F. As soon as the kid behind the desk saw them he like freaked out and looked around for a manager. As soon as he saw there was none, he asked me if I minded doing something slightly "illegal".

What happened next? The kid behind the counter gave me double what EBgames would have given me for the games, took the cash out of the register, gave it to me, then charged the missing money to his employee account. I guess he wanted those games badly.. heh.

After that I sold the rest of my stuff and I got:

A refurbished PSP
3X PSP games
A 32MB DUO Card
A PSP Carrying Case
A years sub to a game mag
A new PS2 game, Naurto Ultimate Ninja

I paid $20 total.
Heh I geuss you got lucky. You sure that game wasn't worth more than he offered ya? Or did he just want that particular game badly? 0_0
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I looked on eBay first and the games were going for a LITTLE bit more, but after paying shipping and eBay fees and stuff it would have been better this way instead.

The kid went out of his way to really help me make some dough..

What he did was sell me a years sub to "Game Informer" because of that, I got an extra $20 on my trade ins, with the magazine sub, I got a free membership card for a year there, that gave me a extra +10% trade in value on all my games.

Then he took that stuff, and added in all the games I traded in to him. Then he cut a coupon out of the Magazine that let me do a "Buy 2 Used PSP Games, get 1 Free" So I got Ys, the new DBZ game and another RPG for PSP out of that.

He also let me count any games I owned, that had a limited edition title on the sell list, as such, even if it wasn't actully the limited edition version.

I just guess I lucked out and met a EBgames friend. =)

There was also this short blond chick, totally hot, who I guess was in a bad mood because she spent the last 3 days off playing games on her PC and then had to come to work and didn't want to. I should have perposed to her on the spot.
In response to Shades
Heh, then yah you were pretty lucky. :D
Err...Naruto Ultimate Ninja? I gave MY own personal review on that. Maybe you should read it. XD
In response to Tatiana Belmont
I got it, I own it, it isn't a BAD fighting game but it definatly had a lot of room for improvement.

It reminded me of a mix between Super Smash Bros. Melee and Dragonball Budokai.

Just like the Budokai series, I think it'll get better as the series ages.

I really like the animations and art work though.
In response to Shades
Girls don't play PC games. Some girls play console games, but not PC games.
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Girls don't play PC games.

The Sims? The My Little Pony games? The Barbie games?
In response to Elation
Actually, in my experience it seems to be the opposite. I meet more that play PC games. And then there are several all-girl clans for most of the famous games.
In response to Elation
Err... not true. My mom plays Counter-Strike. My girlfriend and two of my friends love playing RPGs. One is addicted to World of Warcraft, another loved Neverwinter Nights.

What were you basing that off of?
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
SSJ2GohanDBGT wrote:
Err... not true. My mom plays Counter-Strike. My girlfriend and two of my friends love playing RPGs. One is addicted to World of Warcraft, another loved Neverwinter Nights.

What were you basing that off of?

He meant "Girls don't play PC games except the millions of women playing WoW and all the ones who play RPGs and the female Quake clans and..."
In response to Shades
Eh, I played it. A friend of mine likes Naruto, he's says the Japanese version isn't nearly as gay, those are his words...

Regardless of the incessant irritance that creeps up my spine everytime I have to hear a prepubesant boy in an oarnge jumpsuit who calls himself a ninja declare "Believe it!" if that damndable catchphrase had any weight, bearing or meaning, after the fiftieth or 1000000th time; I decided to give the game a shot.

The graphics look nice.
The action looks nice.

And that's where it ends. Your super move can be done by pressing one friggin button. And if you pick the guy with a crap special, consider yourself screwed because it'll cost you 2/3s of your health after your friend cuts the life out of you with *his* special.

They almost had a decent fighting game on their hands, they just needed to polish it in the gameplay department. Don't get me wrong, it was amusing like one, two, at most three times. But after that -- the weight of poor game design will weigh heavy on your shoulders -- crushing the fun from your lungs.

In response to Deadron
Hehe, my mother is 48 and has played EQ I, EQ II, DAOC, and likes to play HALO 2 with my dad because it's the only game he likes to play.
In response to Elation
Lies. Some of my freinds play RO and other PC RPGs.
In response to Rockinawsome
I wish my parents played computer games. =(

...actually, maybe I don't, because then they'd spend less time doing the housework and I'd have to contribute more. >:-D
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
I wish my parents played computer games. =(

...actually, maybe I don't, because then they'd spend less time doing the housework and I'd have to contribute more. >:-D

Sounds like what my friends problem is. His mum plays FF11 all day so she expects him to do everything :P. Hes moving out soon so shes gonna have to do everything for herself now
Man you should have sold all that on e-bay... you should have gotten 10x more than what he and EB Games gave you.
In response to Shades
he didn't give you a free card, he charged it out of your credit, but because the card grants extra on trade ins the card paid for itself. At EB Games they get commission for things (although might not anymore since gamespot bought them) and so you can't always trust a friendly person, since they make money off the deal.

Gamecrazy is specifically a bad place, since they make a lot of commission. Stay away from there.
In response to Jon Snow
GameStop bought them out, not GameSpot, big difference.

Anywho, yeah, I have seen them do that with my tradins. If you are trading in/buying used a lot it tends to actually turn out in your favor to get the card. They do this at GameStop as well.
In response to Jon88
Don't knock on the barbie games. I play....I mean I know a friend that plays them O_o
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