Hi there Developer How-To. I'm trying to create some traps that activate if you enter the same x or y plane as them (think these fellows from Zelda). I've surmised I'd need to use a while()> look and check if a player is in the same column or row of turfs as the trap is.

Problem is I'm not entirely sure how to write up such a proc.
if(player.x == trap.x) // player is lined up vertically
if(player.y == trap.y) // player is lined up horizontally
Well, I'm a total noob, but here's how I would approach it.

We could use the block() procedure if we knew how far along the axis we are going. But unless you hard-code the length, it's not going to work as well as one would like. So I think that spawning an invisible object to walk out from the object and upon bumping, sending the information back to the trap, telling it to move.
In response to Kaiochao
...I really overthought this one. Woops.