Well, Youtube released "Text mode video" due to April Fools, But it's er, boring. Just add &textp=fool at the end of any video. What does BYOND have in store for April fools o.0 The last time I remember BYOND actually doing anything was "3D BYOND 5.0"
It would be interesting if they could expand text-mode to all videos on YouTube.
In response to EGUY is available on all videos...
In response to Chrismonster555
I couldn't get it to work by adding the tag to the URL. But I did find it under the settings eventually. And some videos don't seem to have it enabled (under the quality menu). Do you think it's here to stay?
Leur wrote:
The last time I remember BYOND actually doing anything was "3D BYOND 5.0"

That wasn't a joke, you can still see it here.
In response to Chrismonster555
Chrismonster555 wrote: is available on all videos...

Y'know, except this one and a ton of others.

This one works well enough though, albeit dark scenes are almost indecipherable.