I need to know how to make spell lists that can be saved using deadron character handling, can have new spells added to them, can have AP points for each spell, and can be opened and used when in battle
I think I'm becoming dumb ='(

I read through this learn to love list appending and I 'm so utterly confused =(
DarkCampainger wrote:
I need to know how to make spell lists that can be saved using deadron character handling, can have new spells added to them, can have AP points for each spell, and can be opened and used when in battle

Don't worry about Deadron's character handling. As long as your variable is not temp it will save just fine.

As for the spells and their points, you could make the list associative and have the spells in it refer to their points. When you want to add a new spell you could do:
spells+=list("spell name here"=0)
When you wanted to access the spells points instead of the spell itself, you would do this:
spells["spell name here"]
So spells["magical disco dance maniac"] would be equal to the points for the magical disco dance maniac spell.

Be warned! That spell is very powerful and cannot be stopped once used. Just make sure you don't mind the gaudy apparel and artheritis that will come along with it.
In response to Loduwijk
lol, thanks =)