I just fixed the most likely cause of the passport troubles that a number of people have been having. Please try again and verify that all is well. You'll need to be online so Dream Seeker can grab a new copy of your key.

Dan wrote:
I just fixed the most likely cause of the passport troubles that a number of people have been having. Please try again and verify that all is well. You'll need to be online so Dream Seeker can grab a new copy of your key.

Yes they are working now! Thanks.

And now for a question:

I had the impression that the name of your hub entry was combined in some way with your passport text to verify it. The CheckPassport() doc implies this, for example.

Yet I was able to verify passports for channels not related to the game's hub name.

I'm not complaining -- that's what I want! But just wanted to make sure I understood what if anything the world.hub name has to do with checking passports.

The reason I like being able to check a passport regardless of hub name is to give different people varying level of access. DDT developers will have full admin privileges...Beta testers will be able to play the game with without admin, etc.
In response to Deadron
Deadron wrote:

I had the impression that the name of your hub entry was combined in some way with your passport text to verify it.

I added some additional text to the reference to clarify that world.hub has nothing to do with CheckPassport(). It was only used in that example in order to forward the player to the appropriate subscription page, because it is indeed a common case where the passport does happen to belong to the hub entry under which the game is registered.

I'm not complaining -- that's what I want!

Yes. What you described is exactly how I envisioned passports working.
