Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

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Title is misleading it's early forgive me!

Currently when hosting a game it'll report functions back to the hub such as Players etc

What I would like to see is a kind of API feature or being able to report to a third party site, since some may want to move away from the hub especially with the standalone client..

This is currently do able in code via topic and some PHP, but it would be easier faster and more secure to allow the current reporting to report back to a third party.

I do not know how difficult the current setup is at the moment but surely you could make a new world var?

world/reporting = ""

Then let the script dot the rest ie save to DB or to a file..

Like I mentioned, no idea how you are doing it at the point in time but would be nice to display these features (easily) on a third party site.
Would be nice to have SOAP support, so that the third party webservice could be called to handle this.
You could always have the server export it's own XML file every few minutes to a globally accessible place?
In response to Flame Sage
A system like Flame Sage described would be quite easy to do, though I wonder about the speed and overhead of such a system.
Pretty cheap, basically. The bottleneck point is the server you export to, and is dependent on the number of servers exporting.
The system already exists in DreamDaemon I know it's already do able via DM you have a few ways to do it and one of those is using MySQL.

But as I said the feature already exists and it should be accessible so anyone can use it..