Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Short and simple:
I am requesting a 'select all' feature for the mapping. Of course, this selects every tile in the open z pane. This is useful for making 'alternate' worlds- where you have the same layout but different turfs in place of some and editing mass variables for certain panes. I know it would save me a little bit of a hassle and shouldn't be too hard to implement with the way select is now currently inside of the editor.
As a workaround until (if) this is implemented:
you could always open up the DMM in a text editor, and copy and paste that way. Though, you'd have to know what to change (and what not to touch).
Trick: Hit "Select", click lower-left corner of map. Go to top-right corner of map, shift+click. Should select everything.
In response to Nadrew
Ah, that isn't mentioned anywhere, is it?
I don't think it's really mentioned (maybe in the map editor help files?), but it's kind of...intuitive and implied. :p Pretty much every kind of selection system (files, icons, even test) use that.
I would like to note that going from the top-right corner to the bottom-left corner is actually faster and smoother to me than going the opposite. Either way, for larger sized maps a select all would be quite useful.