Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
I'm not sure how many people have run into a build error when trying to use code that makes sense to the user, e.g.

var/list/Teams = list(list(), list(), list())


if (Teams[0].len > Teams[1].len)

The compile errors make this clear enough, that the type of the object at a given index isn't known, so trying to treat Teams[n] as a list won't work.

What I propose is being able to do, for example, this:

var/list/list/Teams = list(list(), list(), list())


if (Teams[0].len > Teams[1].len)

var/list/list/Teams. This would be propagated anywhere that Teams[] is referenced, meaning that the if() statement in the second example would work.

Furthermore, something like

var/list/list/mob/Teams = list(list(), list(), list())

/mob/var/IsTeamLeader = 0

Teams[0][0].IsTeamLeader = 1

Should be possible, simply by nesting the type path into the list definition. This would work much like existing variable definitions, e.g.

if (IsAtom(To))
To = new/datum/CustomType(To)

This code example could by passed an atom for example, even though the type says it's not. The same would apply to non-generic lists; the compiler would assume that the object at that index is of a given type and it's up to the developer to either ensure that said assumption is maintained, or handle if it isn't.
In this case, I think it has less to do with typecasting, and more to do with not being able to operate directly on returned values. Otherwise, you could just do Teams[0]:len and put off the type check until runtime.

If you don't want to first assign the returned value to a variable, you can pass it through a procedure (which is really also just first assigning it to a variable, just with more overhead):
var/list/L1 = Teams[1]
var/list/L2 = Teams[2]
if(L1.len > L2.len)
// ...

// or...

if(length(Teams[1]) > length(Teams[2]))
// ...

// or... (a bad example, admittedly)


if(getHealth(Teams[1][1]) > getHealth(Teams[2][1]))
// ...

It makes more sense for built-in procs like length(), but I wouldn't suggest actually doing something like getHealth() or setIsTeamLeader()...