
by Minorex
The game by Minorex in which blocks threaten your life. Can you make it out alive?
Keywords: blocks, blox, mino, minorex
With Thirteenth Dimension having no hope for any prolonged period of success on BYOND, I switched my ambition over to Blocks. The core gameplay is already finished, and now it's up to me to polish the game up, and give it some additional features. One really helpful thing for hosts is the Idle verb, which allows them to stand by and observe gameplay, or just be away for periods of time. The game doesn't progress without a number of people playing, so it doesn't hog CPU. Anybody can spectate anybody else's game. The highest score of any given player is posted on the HUB. I'll add additional medals as I see fit.
im sorry about what i had done and altough i dont want to i will try and wait out my mute as best as i can, i do not blame you for what you did i can only blame myself, if i could figure out how to do free say i would not have gotten myself in this i am truly sorry though