The browser control did not always refresh properly inside some panes.
Applies to:Dream Seeker
BYOND Version:479
Operating System:Windows XP Pro
Web Browser:N/A
Status: Resolved (482)

This issue has been resolved.
When navigating to a child window with a browser control, the browser control does not get a repaint event so I have to manually send a repaint (css hack) for every navigation. I'm probably in the minority regarding this issue but it's a huge pain when you have 70 some odd windows that you navigate between and most of which have a browser control.

Anytime a child window comes to the foreground, check for a browser control, and tell IE to repaint. Should be easy.


Can you post a demo?
I've tried forcing browsers to repaint, and do many other things besides, in the past. "Should be easy" never really seems to apply to the browser control, but I agree a demo would help.
I'll work on it. "Should be easy". ;)

Repro Steps:
1. Click Back button
2. Drag the window offscreen and back.
Click 'Fix It' which sends the browser a CSS hack to force a repaint.

A red web page appears without any artifacts.

The browser control doesn't repaint so whatever was in the previous pane is rendered over the browser control.
For the record, by "should be easy", I was a little worried that I might not be able to repro in a reduced environment so I was implying that I too could run into some difficulty. Anyway, just wanted to make sure that didn't come across wrong.
woohoo! Ty!