Zaole wrote:
what? it's been hitting/going over 300 every day at primetime. did you look at the numbers at 2 AM EST and think "hah! everybody stopped playing the game permanently already!"?
No, I looked at it when I made the post. Sometime around 3 PM EST. At which point it was down to 175 or so players, and HU1 had around 300.

tell me how you feel about that
About my game being suppressed? I feel its a necessary/acceptable overreaction to the rip situation. And that it will be undone at some point, as I said in my last post.

that's a nice set of opinions you've got there. unfortunately, given that they were expressed immediately after the game superseded yours in a temporary popularity count, one is left to assume that these opinions are being conjured up merely to soothe a damaged ego :(
I've stated those opinions plenty of times before, in nearly those same words. So no, it has nothing to do with their temporary player boost. I'd also be willing to bet their player count is completely dead within a month, just like when the game first came out and was actually popular for a very short while. Not sure what they did to get this current surge, though.

edit: oh look, right after falacy posted a comment, it went from 13 yae 0 nay to 13 yae 1 nay
Of course that's my vote. This is a topic about another game beating one of mine. Why the hell would I yea that?
Forum_account wrote:
anime game developers aren't being pushed to make better games, original game developers don't have much of an incentive to develop games
Nobody is being pushed to make better games. There are practically no incentives/rewards, or even standards for it. But I'd say BYOND developers have plenty of incentive to make original games with the current hub setup.
You apparently fall into the boat of people who can't separate rips from fan games. Majority of the unique fan games are better than original games. BE and FFL are better than NEStalgia in pretty much every way. REO2 is better than Decadence, and is actually playable. Even though Finale and its zeta rip buddies are horrible games, they're all better than SS13, they just boil down to chat-rooms anyway.

but having games like NEStalgia draw newer (and better) game players to the community does help.
That's a somewhat ridiculous claim to make. I doubt "better" gamers would be interested in any games BYOND has to offer in the first place. And even less-so in an NES wannabe in today's day and age of gaming. But who are we considering better?
Haters hate Falacy, though this hater I thought was to be more cool. But who knows what goes down on the forums.
After seeing the ad campaigning that NEStalgia has gone through with outside sources, I think its kind of sad that they only have ~300 players. I'm also wondering how much that advertising cost them =P
If I started a massive advertising campaign for HU, it would probably pull more players than the current entirety of BYOND. It would probably also get me sued into the ground =P
It didn't cost Silk anything and it's not really an "ad campaign," it was more like a simple press release. He just sent some emails around to game journalists and they started publishing articles about the game.
Falacy wrote:
You apparently fall into the boat of people who can't separate rips from fan games.

It doesn't matter if the game is a rip or a fan game. When it's the name and theme of the game that's attracting players and not the quality of the game, the problems I mentioned will exist.
Forum_account wrote:
When it's the name and theme of the game that's attracting players and not the quality of the game

But that's not the case. There are plenty of great games that get no players, and horrible ones that get plenty, regardless of their name/theme. Around here, its much more about the game-play "style" than anything. From what I've seen at least.

And cool beans @ Antx
Falacy wrote:
Forum_account wrote:
When it's the name and theme of the game that's attracting players and not the quality of the game

But that's not the case. There are plenty of great games that get no players, and horrible ones that get plenty, regardless of their name/theme. Around here, its much more about the game-play "style" than anything. From what I've seen at least.

DBZ Heroes United by Stray Games: 313 players
DBZ Heroes United 2 by Stray Games: 167 players
Bleach Eternity by Stray Games: 18 players
Paradise City by Stray Games: 6 players
Celestial Chaos 2 by Stray Games: 1 player
Gold Guardians by Stray Games: 0 players
Stick War by Stray Games: 0 players

if you didn't notice, i was organizing it from "most theme-whoring" at the top, to "least theme-whoring" at the bottom. did you notice anything else about the order they're in?
I don't think you understood what I meant by attention. Try submitting your game to some of these journalists and see how far that gets you. And then tell us how it feels to get shot down and denied for not only using copyrighted material, but blatantly profiting from it.

Also, I don't see how someone could prefer REO2 over Decadence. Decadence is more unique, is presented much more nicely, I'd attempt to continue adding things to the list but it'd probably take me hours. I don't see which areas REO2 is beating Decadence in other than variety of maps and characters to play as.
Er-body best bash the guy that pwns you all, becuz u can't getzor a good thing going er.
Yar er body forgot Games are games and if people like playing the game its on them, If the community says its a bad game and it has 1000+ players who cares, if the community says its a good game and it has 4 players who cares. I know 1 thing you city folk, I just play da games that I enjoy, okay thanks no band wagon or tool train of what other likes. yar

You guys need to watch Bambi again.

If you ain't got nothing nice to say don't say it at all. Derpty derp da drrp derp

Then just play what you enjoy, and I guarantee your shit is drama free.
No, I will continue to argue and oppose fan-games to forge eternal drama on BYOND. I will bandwagon everyone into only playing and developing original games. And for the record, I don't watch Bambi. Bambi watches me.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
No, I will continue to argue and oppose fan-games to forge eternal drama on BYOND. I will bandwagon everyone into only playing and developing original games. And for the record, I don't watch Bambi. Bambi watches me.

Well I'm guessing you live in soviet Russia, that's the only way to oppose my argument without losing. Damn you.
You guys are just eating it up.

Nom nom nom...
Zaole wrote:
if you didn't notice, i was organizing it from "most theme-whoring" at the top, to "least theme-whoring" at the bottom. did you notice anything else about the order they're in?

I wouldn't even say that list is in the right order, but I would say it still supports my side better than yours. PC and IS often pull more players than BE. DuelZ is a theme-whore of multiple sources, and is almost always empty. GG is vaguely based on Final Fantasy, but is empty. Those populated games pull players based on their gameplay "style", the more mindless AFK progress you can make in an open world, the more players they get, the theme is mostly irrelevant IMO. If somebody made a fantasy based game, in the style of HU, I bet it would be the most popular game on BYOND.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Also, I don't see how someone could prefer REO2 over Decadence. Decadence is more unique, is presented much more nicely, I don't see which areas REO2 is beating Decadence in other than variety of maps and characters to play as.

Decadence isn't more unique, it takes a 3D shooter and tries to make it work in 2D. Pretty much every concept behind REO is unique. REO has very nice mapping, though its graphic style isn't unique to BYOND. The concept of co-op survival is much more appealing to me than PvP. The character count doesn't really matter to me at all, the map count only matters for the quality of the maps - one good map is better than 50 crappy ones. Not to mention I can actually play REO, whereas Decadence requires several players online or its literally unplayable. There are RPG/progressive elements to REO. Decadence only wins when it comes to visual polish...

Yeah your right about not being able to play it. Q.Q

Antx also should make a training ground for noobies(and others waiting for players), and only time will tell about he plans on adding the clan battles.
Neblim wrote:
I don't know what BE (bleach evolution?) is, but I seriously doubt it feels like a real game as NEStalgia portrays. let me know

I don't think you have the "expertise" to be judging it so harshly on the simple grounds it is from a 1980s cliche (which apparently is a popular one from based on what he drove in).
A few hundred players from massive gaming sites is hardly impressive. I've been playing games since the 80s, they're hardly what the mainstream gaming industry is still on, or still wanting to play. Vast majority of the games that come out today like that are somewhat satirical.

Even your games have yet to reach a 1000 (correct me if I'm wrong) player mark, all at once. Real MMOs are usually in the '1000' range or higher, so even you can't say you're fully qualified to make a stance on this.
Indeed they haven't, but then again, the entirety of BYOND has less players than your average MMO. I've seen private servers of WoW that had more players... Either way, I'm not sure why that should limit my stance on the situation

I dare say, if it weren't for some of the issues of Byond limitations (what can you expect though, it's an easy use engine), proprietary use (only windows and installing...registering...finding the 'Join' link), some general hate of Byond already, NEStalgia would have benchmarked that number.
I doubt the outside gaming community has a hatred of BYOND, or even knows about it for that matter. I doubt that's the reason NEStalgia has such few players, especially after being advertised on such well known sources.
BYOND's ease of use should hardly be an excuse for its limited functionality. Unity is just as easy, if not easier to use, and its infinitely more impressive.

I honestly think NEStalgia quickly gave some people here an eye opener of what a game of such a genre can really do in terms of popularity.
Any BYOND game such heavily advertised would probably pull just as many players. The problem is, very few of them are of high enough quality for such realistic sources to care.

I believe this may even start a new trend of original based games from some of the developers reactions here.
I find it kind of sad that NEStalgia is whats setting an example around here. The worst game from practically any other engine sets an astronomically higher baseline - lets use one of those. It has a nice level of polish, especially by BYOND's standards, but the gameplay concepts have all been outdated since before BYOND was even released

This will ultimately drive new developers because they can now stop questioning a game of its good polish level.
What? If anything, the only draw for NEStalgia is its level of polish. Unless I'm misunderstanding you?
Falacy: It didn't feel good to curb stomp you and your little anime game... at least not until I noticed your tantrum in this comment thread. Now I'm enjoying it.
If this isn't friendly what is it?
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