Bleach:Downfall Of The Arrancar

by Ryan-hemsley
Bleach:Downfall Of The Arrancar
A new bleach game currently under development
Ryan this is the new Rise Of The Uchihas Hub
yo man i can icon but it really deepend on if i would help and how much on this question can you actually code a game if you need to or can you only edit rips? even if you can only edit rips i still help but like i wont be doing loads of shit like. One more thing you have a couple of bug nothing really big but you can lvl useing a quicey bow you gain exp but you get just keep getting exp i hd 982% out of 100% at one point but when i kill an enermy with my fists i lvl and i had to keep doing that till my exp when and i leveled up. next is that hollows can't use OOC they can however when they become arroncars
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