Because I was trying to make a game more suitable for the PopLava contest, I ended up dropping the whole sandbox game idea. I am currently working on something that will play a lot like Efencea. The only problem is it feels like I'm going back down the same road again. The end result will most likely play like a mini-game, and as you can see with Voxles and Gnomeheim, I usually move onto something else after I feel I've done enough to them.

I feel I may be wasting my time. After I finish this game, I'm going to be bored with it and probably never update it with new content or get anywhere with it and start another one. This is because I'm making games I really don't want to make.

Every time I make a game, I take my capabilities and time into consideration. I know that I won't finish a game that would take months to make alone, so I usually aim for something simple. I think that if I was in a team making a more complex game, I'd be more satisfied with the end result and wouldn't just drop the project. It's easy to give up on some little game you would just play on your lunch break, but a more complex MORPG not so much.

So I have some proposals. I will either:

1. Join your team: As long as the game isn't a fan-game ( I'm interested in working on projects that won't get a C&D ) and I like the idea, I'll work on your project. This is evident in my games, but I'll go ahead and mention that I'm a programmer, artist, and decent with interfaces ( huds as well as the actual dmf file ). I also am a good writer, I do video editing and if there is anything else I'm leaving off I'll update the list.

2. Start a team: If there is anyone who has been looking for a project to join like me, I could start my own team and we'll just brainstorm until we figure out something to make and have at it.

So if you're interested, you can comment, page me, add me on MSN at [email protected], or speak to me in real life ( I can usually be found in a Wendy's restaurant ) and we can get this ball rolling!

Someone just sent me an invite but for some really stupid reason, I double clicked it and I can't find it anymore. Could you resend it?
Maybe you'd like to work with me on Post-Humanity. Its a post-apocalyptic RPG that focuses on PvP. I made a blog post about it Here
If you like to start a team and do some brainstorming thing sign me up thats what im looking for
Get in touch with me. You seem like a fairly competent developer.
I'll try and help brainstorm,but there's not much i can do after the foundation of the game actually starts other than suggest ideas.
Chainblade1 wrote:
I'll try and help brainstorm,but there's not much i can do after the foundation of the game actually starts other than suggest ideas.

Add me on MSN.