Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Verbs should have a setting that allows them to be accessed only by the "Options & Messages > Client > Command" or skin commands, such as buttons, on-close, etc. In other words, they cannot be typed out and executed in an input bar. Maybe it could just be set hidden = 2.

Currently, you can set hidden to true and have the verb not show up anywhere, but the player can still type/guess the verb and execute it whenever. Of course, you'd need a condition inside of every such verb to prevent it from doing anything out of order.

This setting would probably only apply to worlds with control_freak set to prevent players from editing the game's skin. If you have a form with a submit button, the evil player could do stupid things with it.
You could still change the name of a verb to ".something", if it's prefixed with . it doesn't show up in the auto-complete things for verbs...also, can't you make up a hash for each user, and edit the skin at runtime so all button commands or input bar command have an arguement that includes the hash, and it has to match the user's hash or whatever, the users would never see this hash, as it's added during runtime, and not part of the actual skin...?