For those of you who are wondering where I am, I am currently on vacation in brazil (no to those of you on POTG I did not retreat to Second Life again.) I do not have my laptop on me so unless I am granted permission to Download Byond, just expect me to say something here. Besides even if i was able to get it on, between an annoying sister, no parents to get inbetween me and her except for my grandmother, and the stuff we have been doing (learning to windsurf is just one thing i have been doing over here and let me tell you it is fun) I frankly got my hands full and very little time. hope to see you all soon though. ill make sure to stop by the games when i get back though and if i dont or didnt see you just send me a pm.
Just for fun I am going to say FIRST to my own post. sorry just a slow moment right now XD but if any of you want to talk just post a comment here. ill try to check up at least at night for me. (I am one hour ahead of NY time and i think 4 hours ahead of the time posted on the site from what i can see)