First of all, thank you a lot, Calus CoRPs!
I am eternally grateful for you gifting me a membership!
In the future, I will give you free subscriptions to my game(s)!

I said I was going to 'show' something for my Open Planet game in this blog post, so indeed I will.
But! It is code!

var/list/result = list(start)
for (var/i = 1, i <= result.len, ++i)
current = result[i]
for (var/turf/W in orange(1, current))
if ((istype(W, /World/water) || istype(W, /World/hole)) && !(W in result))
result += W
return result

Currently, I am attempting to optimize this proc!
What it does is get a 'body of water' by finding all waters and holes that are adjacent to each other (from a given starting turf). The main thing is that it puts the turfs in the result in a particular order so that if they are updated in that order, it looks like the water is rushing out from the starting turf. (e.g. every turf is adjacent to the ones next to it in the list.)

Now, it is really slow if the body of water is really big. Which is why I want to optimize it. (Mainly because it makes the game start up really slow, which is annoying when testing things.)
It's obvious why it's slow. For every turf, it checks every turf next to it, and for every turf next to those it checks the ones next to those and so on. And, since it is using a (W in result) check, it has to search the list to find if it is in it, for every single nested iteration. (Which is horrible design!)

My plan for optimizing it is as such:
  • Make a deterministic algorithm that touches every turf in a body of water only one time, or a very minimal amount of times.
  • Use a binary insert to order the turfs based on their distance from the starting turf, so that it doesn't matter the order they are touched.

I already made a binary insert proc:
proc/binary_insert(list/L, value, key)
if (L.len == 0)
L[value] = key
return L
left = 1
right = L.len
while (left + 1 < right)
mid = round((left + right + 1) / 2)
val = L[L[mid]]
if (val < key)
left = mid
right = mid
val = L[L[left]]
if (key < val)
L.Insert(left, value)
val = L[L[right]]
if (key < val)
L.Insert(right, value)
L.Insert(right + 1, value)
L[value] = key
return L

This will insert the values in a list, keeping the list sorted with each insert (the sorting uses list associations) and also has a log2 number of iterations. The value is the value to insert into the list, and the key is a number that determines how the values are sorted. (Lower numbers are at the beginning of the list, larger numbers at the end.)

Essentially, every turf will be added to the list using binary_insert with a key that matches their distance from the starting turf. (Square distance to avoid a square root. Using the sum of the x and y distance would work too.)

As for doing the touching each turf once, I have a vague idea of what I'm going to do. My current idea involves starting at the center and making a border around it, getting all of the turfs in it, then making a border around that border and repeating until you reach a border where no turfs get added. (A lot of thought and planning still needs to go into this.)

Okay, on the topic of my CSS.
Now that I'm a member, I can do fancy things to my blog.
What do you think of it?
You should brighten the colors a bit more, but none the less it's easy on the eyes. You should try and make the background a lighter color.
Doobly-Doo Productions wrote:
You should brighten the colors a bit more, but none the less it's easy on the eyes. You should try and make the background a lighter color.

I was trying to make the colors not have highly varying differences. (Such as black on white.)

When you say brighten, do you mean literally all of the colors?
Complex Robot wrote:
Doobly-Doo Productions wrote:
You should brighten the colors a bit more, but none the less it's easy on the eyes. You should try and make the background a lighter color.

I was trying to make the colors not have highly varying differences. (Such as black on white.)

When you say brighten, do you mean literally all of the colors?

No no, just the blue and red headers.
I think it looks perfect!
Doobly-Doo Productions wrote:
No no, just the blue and red headers.

I see. Well. I made them really dull on purpose.
I'm not sure if it would look better with brighter headers.
Thanks for the advice!
Yusuke13 wrote:
I think it looks perfect!

Well, thanks!
I did a lot of testing and figuring out colors for it...
I think you shouldn't touch it ;)

You.. are Pro.
Teka123 wrote:
I think you shouldn't touch it ;)

You.. are Pro.

I think I only have a limited knowledge of CSS, though. (Most of the work was finding tags and colors to use.)
I don't like how there's so much space between everything.
I don't know how to fix it, though.
I guess I'll have to figure it out sometime.
That's mainly to do with Margin's , which you can go about altering all the items margin-top,margin-left,margin-right elements etc.

But for a simple test if this is what you want, then try adding this.

.box {margin-bottom:0px}

This will make sure there is no bottom margin (space) for the Box's.

This would indicate to only work for .Box which is the smaller box's so the ones on the left and the right.
Your CSS is so ugly!!!!!!!!!!, J/K. its perfect :)
Okay, thanks for telling me, Teka!
Hm. I modified my CSS to stretch to fit the page.
I didn't like all that blank space.
Plus, this gives me more space to put images and junk in my posts.