Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Resolved (490.1104)

This issue has been resolved.
If you have a 16x16 icon drawn in the bottom left of a 32x32 file, and you set the bound_width/height accordingly, the client's eye will still be some(8?) pixels too far to the northeast because it's centered for the 32 and not the 16.

Basically, this is a request to have the client.eye centered on the bound_width/height rather than the exact center of the icon.
I've changed this, and in the process fixed a bug I hadn't noticed before with the eye following (though it was a pain to figure out).
Currently, for even-numbered view sizes, the eye won't be centered. For example, for a view size of "2x2", you'll see 4 tiles; the eye will be in the northeast quadrant of the view.

Would it be possible for you to position the camera internally such that the center of the view matches the center of the eye's bounding box when client.pixel_x and client.pixel_y are zero?

(Should this actually be a separate request?)
Oh yes... so this is what it was I've also experinced this with 32x32 and 64x64 client.eye, where it would look like the player was actually more to the left or more to the right and not the center of the screen.
In DS I could see that centering with even view being iffy. It's something I could try to look into. It'll probably fall out of the webclient stuff I'm working on though, and that might actually make a DS implementation easier.