Not a bug
BYOND Version:489
Operating System:Windows Vista Home Premium
Web Browser:Chrome 13.0.782.220
Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Not a bug

This is not a bug. It may be an incorrect use of syntax or a limitation in the software. For further discussion on the matter, please consult the BYOND forums.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
I have been 24/7 Hosting. This morning my mother unplugged something out of the extension cord and accidentally hit the power switch on the extension cord. We left the house and all throughout the day my router was off. Thus, the server was down. Now, to the point. I get home, I try to get online to check something(Facebook, etc.) and I realize the internet was down. From about 6:00AM to 3:50AM, I am guessing, the router was down. I don't know if it auto reset itself but my IP Address changed. Before it started with 173. and is now starting with 72.(After I turned back on the power switch). So now my IP is weird. I still have my static IP but my Global IP is changed. I tell all the people on my pager that the server is back up and they join with the new link provided. Dream Daemon was up while the router was offline as well. When I check the hub of the game it shows that it is not online. I shutdown the server through Dream Daemon and clicked GO again. I then saw that it was the fact that it was on Invisibility. I changed it to Public and the server was recognized again. But! About 2 minutes later it instantly changed itself to Invisibility again. I have tried changing it back about 15 times. It continues to follow it's own path, constantly changing back to Invisibility. (Note. I am running a Virtual Windows Vista on a MacBook Pro 2.7GHz Intel i7 8GB RAM. If it has anything to do with the way I am hosting then please say so.)
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:

Expected Results:

Actual Results:

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?: It just started today about 20 minutes ago.
In other games? I have not checked this yet but I will try to open a new DreamDaemon client to check if this error occurs anymore.

Edit: The second DreamDaemon client I opened does the same thing after somewhere between 1 and 2 minutes. The problem does not stop by opening other clients.

In other user accounts? I will try.
On other computers? I can not try this. My other computers are tucked away.

When does the problem NOT occur?
As it has been just about 20 minutes, I have no feedback for this area. If I can get some I will be sure to edit.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)

Just get a macro to change it to Public periodically. That is the only easy advise I can give you other than having you manually set it back.
I'm having trouble following your description of the actual problem because it's just a wall of text. Are you saying that the dropdown in DD is physically changing to "Invisible" while you're not looking? I've never seen that happen but I can try to find out what could cause that.

It also seems you included incorrect info in the numbered steps to reproduce the problem, since what you wrote there looks more like a workaround to me.
Yes, that is exactly what I meant. I was just trying to be thorough to avoid long waits between responds/give you a well descriptive idea of the steps that lead to this problem. - As for the Reproduce I misread it. I thought it said reduce. Which is why I put none for Workarounds which would just be a repeat. (Changing now.)
Vote timer extended from a 1 to a 3 hour wait.
Admin3 'Lag' verb was replaced with the FPS verb to set the frames per second of the server.
Servers with less than 10 players will not appear on the hub.

You may close this. I am guessing the main problem what the game itself was closing the public allowance.