Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
for(var/n in 1 to 1.#INF)
dir = n % 2 ? 1 : 5
sleep world.tick_lag

Problem description:
DM Reference wrote:
An icon file with only four (cardinal) directions makes the choice of orientation ambiguous when the true direction is a diagonal. In that case, of the two possibilities, the one closest to the previous orientation is displayed. Sounds complicated, but it's what one would naturally expect.

What actually happens is that I flicker back and forth between the NORTH and EAST directions. The DM Reference claims that since my previous orientation was NORTH, and it's changing to NORTHEAST, it should stay NORTH.

Is this a bug? It would be nice if it happened as it's written.
So you want to flick between North and East endlessly or do you want to circulate from North to West to South to East and back to North endlessly?
I moved this to Bug Reports because it's either a bug with the software or misinformation in the Reference, and it's pretty straightforward.

Again, unless I'm missing something, this isn't functioning according to the Reference, and I'd like if it were.