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Sound is a SUPER important aspect of any game. Games can be way more appealing just by having some cool sound effects, and having good music to match the mood.

Sure you can: play sound effects, adjust the volume, play music, cut off sounds, and make things repeat, but I want a few features added to help spice up the sound channels.

Something that makes sound effects have an echo
This would be a cool effect if you were in a cave, or a closed in area, and could give a very enviornmental feel.
There are a lot of variables to these.
- How many echoes there are
- The dynamic space between each echo
- Timing space between each echo
- How many echoes the hearer hears depending on distance

A proc that makes a channel's music/sfx, have a perdendosi or a decrescendo
(a dying away kind of effect, lowering dynamic) respectively, music can dim maybe while theres a cutscene going on, or a song is going to cut off into a different song.
A few variables to it, like:
- From how fast it goes from its present dynamic to nothing or desired dynamic.
- Choosing to make it end when the perdendosi is complete, or keep going by crescendoing back to its original dynamic.

These 2 are a few I could think of, they can suit many game's needs and effectiveness of sound.

After all, besides sight (and feel - kind of), hearing is the only other sense that you can appeal to!
The fade in/out bit would be worth exploring, but echoing is something you can already do. Lookup echo and environment in the reference.
oh, thankyou Lummox! Wow theres alot of stuff to mess with, air affecting with sounds, echoes in rooms, sound on the outside, and a bunch more stuff o_o!

this is gonna take up my night!
You can soft code music fading in and out.

One way is demonstrated in this sound demo:
Having a built-in fade in and fade out would be nice though, as it currently requires lots of packets.