Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
I think it would be nice if I could organize the lib folder in Dream Maker. Say, a "Favorites" subfolder at the top that would contain my chosen libraries that I use most often, so that I don't have to sort through the... others.

I think it'd also be nice if Dream Maker could make guesses to what library you wanted to include when using #include.
// Kaiochao's Poop Library! (non-existent)
#include <Poop.dme>

// maybe even just
#include <Poop>

// the above would be short for
#include <kaiochao/poop/Poop.dme>

If there's multiple "Poop" libraries, or none, then the compiler could toss an error/warning about it.

I'm sure there are other small features that would be nice, but I'm currently not thinking of much more than that.