Applies to:Website
Status: Open

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Currently, the hub offers three forms of tracking:
In the hub stats section: Plays, Downloads, Hosts
Publicly on the hub: Download count, last played.

I have a feeling that 'last played' is updated every time someone downloads the game from the hub - not too entirely sure.

However, 'plays' in the stats section only counts plays on a public server, this does not work well at all for single player games.

The closest thing for a SP game, is 'Downloads' in the Stats section, but downloads are only shown if the game is actually downloaded. Rather than just played if it's already downloaded locally.

Would it be possible to record offline plays, if the user's pager is open, and they allow tracking of their plays and other game-related stuff?
I agree strongly. BYOND is a great platform for single player games, but it doesn't market them very well at all.