Not Feasible
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Status: Not Feasible

Implementing this feature is not possible now or in the foreseeable future
the del statement should mimic the new statement in the way you can provide arguments, they'd be sent to the targeted object's Del() proc.

new x (args) //where x is a type path
//args go to

del x (args) //where x is a datum, the world, or a client
//The arguments would be sent to

This might, or might not conflict with people who use the del statement with parenthesis, del(x).
Whoever changed new(type, args) might be able to do it, if they work as similarly as I imagine.
What is the use-case?
I don't really see there ever being a use for this. If you need to do special cleanup on certain deletion cases, you can do it before you call del().
Lummox JR resolved issue (Not Feasible)
Is this really "Not Feasible" - or "Deferred"?
Does it make a difference for practical purposes? The result in terms of when this gets implemented is the same.
It's more along the lines of not desirable than not feasible. I just see no possible practical use for this.