BYOND Version:499
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 28.0.1478.0
Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Sometimes, the wrong DM Environment is opened from the Lib folder in Dream Maker.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Download library byond://Dan.TakeTurns
2. Open another environment, double click 'Dan.TakeTurns' in Lib Menu
3. See that TakeTurnsDemo.dme - a companion demo is opened, rather than TakeTurns.dme

Expected Results:
Open TakeTurns.dme

Actual Results:
TakeTurnsDemo.dme is opened.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? With this specific example, every time.
In other libraries? Haven't come across many other libraries with two DMEs.
On other computers? No idea.

When does the problem NOT occur?
If you only have one DME in a library.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? I suspect this behavior has been around for a long time, I doubt the Lib functionality has been modified in the past several years.

Do not include multiple DMEs in a library.

Possible solution for BYOND Devs? open the outermost DME it finds, not the first DME it finds.
I just noticed, that this also INCLUDES the wrong DME too.