
Poll: Choose the one you like the best:

Mouse Click ground to move, left hand controls ablities 18% (7)
Right hand on arrow keys, left hand controls abilities 34% (13)
Left hand on WASD, right hand controls abilities 23% (9)
Left hand on WASD, right hand on mouse, abilities are left hand side keyboard 23% (9)

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I would simply like to know, which type of movement control do you prefer in action RPG's, where you need 4 fingers assigned to 4 buttons to control your abilities (shift and ctrl allow extensions up to 8 and 12)

If you have something not mentioned, please post a reply.

Keep in mind we can always allow the player to customize the controls, but I'm curious what the general consensus is.
Semi-related: I wish more MMO's would take a page from TERA and just lock camera movement to the mouse rather than requiring the player to hold right-click.
Action RPGs like Zelda or like Diablo? I generally prefer click to walk and do stuff with hotkeys for special abilities. For SNES style games either wasd or arrow but generally no mouse.
In response to Jmurph
Jmurph wrote:
Action RPGs like Zelda or like Diablo? I generally prefer click to walk and do stuff with hotkeys for special abilities. For SNES style games either wasd or arrow but generally no mouse.

This is specifically for games more like Zelda.
In response to FIREking
For games like Zelda, I'd go with the Casual Quest style. Arrow keys and ZXC; right hand movement, left hand abilities, no mouse.
I personally can't play games that force you to move with the arrow keys, because I was raised a console gamer, so movement must be controlled with my left hand. I've played many indie games that don't give you the option and I literally just cross my arms on my keyboard.

That said, it will of course be an option, but I do need to figure out what to do with the mouse.
Why not program multiple control sets then allow the player to pick they're favorite via an option? Have a part in your tutorial covering that as well.

Personally I picked right hand on arrows keys, left hand on mouse because im use to using the arrows keys to move. However having a backup/customized movement keys; Such as the ability to swap between arrows and WASD isn't a bad idea.
I didn't read over the previous comments. Don't understand why that makes me "new here". Thanks for the ignorance though, completely welcome.

EDIT: Also "Customize play style" can just means customize how he uses what abilities/what keys activate them. Which is what I took it as. Not as a complete swap of control mechanics.
I agree with D-Cire. Most professional games allow you to customize your control setup. It's not very difficult and it just shows polish.
In response to Solomn Architect
Solomn Architect wrote:
I agree with D-Cire. Most professional games allow you to customize your control setup. It's not very difficult and it just shows polish.

Yep, we are already doing this. I'm asking about what people like. Thats it.