Topkasa wrote:
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:

This is the case. SS13 is not designed to run without a reboot. [...]Being that SS13 is a huge part of the player base[...] it does need some special consideration.

What special considerations are you suggesting it 'needs' exactly? Also what is the purpose of your closing sentence? You're implying that something to consider is that ad revenue must be substantial from ss13 (although i'm unsure as to that point* ), yet those from the ss13 community -others too- that i've seen come on, seem to have done so only to complain/argue about ads, or in general to show a certain level of misappreciation for the situation.

If the rest of us -specifically those in a position to make direct changes to the way certain aspects of the byond work- were to, on demand, bend to such opinions/suggestions**, then any benefits that might have been present following the introduction of ads, perhaps moreso because of games like ss13, would then surely be lost wouldn't they? And all to the misfortune of Byond is it not so?

So for those who might say things like "no we do understand", and "we're just arguing against the manner of ads"... or with posts like these:

User Account wrote:
It's not the end of the world but I don't think ads should interfere with the game like that.

At the end of the day if it's either these ads or BYOND closing shop.. well, I'll happily take these ads. However, I believe there are alternatives.

While i can see the value of some of the points you make, or can understand to a certain extent your issues with the system, i'd suggest that you (Doesn't apply to user account on this point) come to the discussion with a better (mature?) perspective on the situation, and thus a more appropriate respect for those at Byond in their endeavours to accommodate it's users despite the current position (if that means anything to you). Then, might you actually understand the situation and contribute positively to it.

Once you do this, and make suggestions that do offer an alternative -a concrete and feasible alternative- instead of simply echoing words to the tune of "there must be another way"/"it cannot be this way", you probably won't get anyone referring to you in an unfair manner on this subject.

** ^ Previous paragraph.

* Basically, i'd first like to see Tom's response on the question asked about ads: as to whether they gain anything when they're left alone/not clicked, because if they don't (judging from the complaints and such so far) i'd say that they'll not have been supporting byond as much as i'd hoped... which would be unfortunate from all point.

Oh and by the way,

Kozuma3 wrote:
Solomn Architect wrote:
No, just the people complaining
Exactly, not all of them are complaining.

Solomn Architect (initially) wrote:
For the people whining...

People, please stop arguing about/attempting to defend something -that doesn't even need defending- just for the sake of it. It's not that i agree with SA's approach or wording... but when there's a valid point to be made, please don't try to cloud it with needless -also redundant- scrutiny.
The ads pay both per view and per click. They don't make a lot at the moment, but the fact that we can recoup _anything_ from our non-member base is a large bonus, and I do believe they provide some benefit as nagware, not that this is ideal.

We'll be introducing something so that benefactors can contribute to a game to suppress ads for all, and hopefully that will help with this issue. We do need to make money to keep the project in development.
I see. It's good to know that as long as they're viewed you do at least get something.

As for benefactor contribution, that could work out well. It kinda sounds like the developers optional payment for no ads idea, so both these plans are intended to be in place side by side? It seems then that it'd work out to be an automatic means for some by which- actually, scratch that... I can see how that would make sense.

So i'm guessing that the details would mainly be managed/viewed within the developer's byond wallet section? I also suppose that's where information regarding subscriptions, if a hub offers them, is already handled?

Whichever way, i'm looking forward to the introduction of those options. I think that, considering discussions across forums, they will be well received and should definitely be of more help financially.

Oh! This means that soon there should no longer be an avenue for complaints about ads, nor a need for long comments like mine! Yay~! :D
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