Applies to:Dream Daemon
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
It'd be really handy in debugging if we could see the Min/Max values for CPU usage on procs.

I recently found one of my loops eating up 80% CPU once every ~2000 iterations, though I'm glad I've solved it now it was otherwise a bitch to find.
+1 if its not hard to add, it is hard to debug / optimize in situations where optimization wasn't considered at first. Rogue loops can go undetected but cause a lot of headaches, you'd have to take a deep look at call-counts in combination with self-cpu times and compare in order to come up with a place to start looking...
I agree with FIREking.

Considering debugging in DM is a pain already -_-

(LA deleted my bump post for some reason anyways)