Hello. I'd like to ask experienced Programmers and Beginner Programmers, would section of the code do you all begin with. To clarify section I'm referring to mobs/turfs/obj etc.

Do you begin by making systems first or by assigning variables.

How do you Begin?
I usually go:

Planning (storyline too) on a notepad/paper > Login > Vars > Actual gameplay e.g Attacks and Systems > Turfs & Map > Skin & HUD

Hope I helped =D
I really think it depends on the game itself much. Different games should have different routes of approach when it comes to what needs to be programmed first. Excluding the basis that every game needs must to function.
For the sidescrolling fighter I'm working on now, I wrote down a list of the features it needed. I started with the most basic - sidescroller physics. Then I added combat, and teams. You just need to analyze what you need to have a functioning, playable game - versus what you want to have in your game to make it better than the rest. Get a basis down first and polish afterwards.
Generally I would suggest core mechanics first (agreeing with Albro), mechanics you think other things/systems would need first. I like to keep a balance between modular and branching (I'm not sure the term) coding.