Applies to:Website
Status: Open

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Would be nice to have a generic page or sticky post on how to host a game on BYOND, we see so many posts repeating the good old "How do I host?" even "How do I Port Forward"

I suggest a page on hosting with DreamDaemon and DreamSeeker.

Port forwarding is a different issue as it's not specific to BYOND and more on the routers end, you could easily supply a link to Port Forward's website.
Just a warning as every router is different this would be generic as I'm BYOND specific hosting via DreamDaemon and DreamSeeker it's not going to solve port forwarding that's up to the user, please keep that in mind before +1 ing this request.

Alternatively Upnp could fix the issue on modern routers - forum/?post=134290&hl=Upnp#comment3680725
Another one just popped up

Feel free to repeat yourself, I don't feel like answering the same question again.