(See the best response by Keeth.)
Problem description: Not really a problem, more of a how-to. So anyways, how would I go about say, clicking an obj on a HUD then, then clicking somewhere on the map to place the obj. Also if I could make it so it can be only placed in certain areas.

Well I would use Click()

Then click again on the map and create the new object.

You also have options such as MouseDrag MouseDown MouseUp etc

It's not very hard.
Best response
Presumably when you click something placed on the HUD, it'd flag the client to let it know they are now in "place stuff by clicking" mode, and probably add a reference to the object in question.

Then on the next click, if they're in "place stuff by clicking" mode, if the place they click is a valid location, remove the object from the HUD and put it wherever they clicked.
I got it eventually, I was just over-thinking and making it a lot more difficult than it should have been. Thanks guys.