Applies to:Website
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
For those hardcore developer helpers or people who like to chat in every off topic post and also those who like to watch game updates, this is in regards to you.

While you are online and logged in, whether it be BYOND's pager application or the website itself, you can receive updates to topics you are watching like as listed before; Developer Help, Off Topic, Game Updates, etc. This way you don't have to keep clicking the refresh button all day long and actually.. You can do something else perhaps. Notifications are always great.
I kind of like and dislike this idea, it feels like it would be annoying but also potentially helpful.

Tentative +
I don't generally find myself at a loss for keeping on top of the posts across well ... all forums, as they happen. For stuff I'm actually involved in, I'm obviously subscribed. For stuff I'm not, a simple check in every few hours tends to nail that nicely.

It's quite rare even as a moderator I think, to have a situation where I wishes I could've found out earlier to provide some sort of post.

It's not in and of itself a bad feature request? Just ... really rather not something I'd be interested in seeing BYOND develop soon.
Well, it's an optional feature. In those cases for those who aren't in the habit of checking the forums but want to get in to it. Or those who tend to forget to check. A simple reminder.
But it's on par with one of those "optional features" like letting BYOND users customize the site to their preference (Bad example yadadadada).

Sure it'd be nice but, is it worth the developers time to ultimately get very, very little gain?
I guess it could be a side development. Something to add if they ever do happen to get to it.