Have you actually tried mixing and matching the list procs for operators?

I.e, leaving Find() but still using +=? Like I said I haven't tested the other functions, but I'm 100% sure Add() is slower, when adding objects or not, so either something weird is happening with your code, or more likely, something else is speeding it up.
                           Profile results (total time)
Proc Name Self CPU Total CPU Real Time Calls
------------------------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
/mob/verb/test 0.158 6.057 6.057 5
/proc/IsEnclosed_1 2.401 2.401 2.401 500
/proc/IsEnclosed_2 1.196 1.197 1.197 500
/proc/IsEnclosed_3 1.155 1.155 1.155 500
/proc/IsEnclosed_4 1.147 1.147 1.147 500
/mob/player/proc/update_screen 0.000 0.000 0.000 906
/mob/player/proc/movement 0.000 0.000 0.000 906

IsEnclosed_4() uses += and -= instead of .Add and .Remove
Just out of curiosity, could you do some more digging and see which of the list functions it is that's giving an almost 50% speed increase over the operators?
Its definitely the faster .Find vs the slower "in"

                           Profile results (total time)
Proc Name Self CPU Total CPU Real Time Calls
------------------------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
/proc/IsEnclosed_1 4.780 4.780 4.780 1000
/proc/IsEnclosed_1b 2.338 2.338 2.339 1000
/mob/player/proc/update_screen 0.001 0.001 0.001 92
/mob/verb/test 0.142 7.260 0.000 1
/mob/player/proc/movement 0.000 0.000 0.000 92

proc/IsEnclosed_1b(list/search, turf/start, wall, val)
if(!search || !start || !wall)
CRASH("Null argument in IsEnclosed call: IsEnclosed([search], [start], [wall], [val])")
if(!search.Find(start)) return 0 //invalid request, start point isn't in turfs
var/list/next = list(start) //start search from start point
var/list/processed = list() //holds tiles that have been processed
t = next[1]
if(!search.Find(t)) return 0
for(t2 in trange(1, t))
if(!next.Find(t2) && !processed.Find(t2))
if(t2.vars[wall] != val)
next += t2
else if(istype(wall, /list))
next += t2
else if(!istype(t2, wall))
next += t2
processed += t
next -= t
return 1
You might also want to try list associations, I noticed, oddly, that checking L[x] was faster than x in L, in one bit of test code I was working on.

I suspect that the associations use a sorted list, tree, or hash map, or some similar data structure that can be searched much faster than looping through the whole list.

It might have just been an odd case, or some slow code that made them seem faster, though.
Lummox told me that associated lists use a red-black tree (a self-balancing binary tree) a while ago, so it's probably O(log n) to find an item in an associative list. 'in' and .Find() are probably O(n), so if you've got enough things in the list associative is probably better. Use \ref[thing] as the key for thing.
Would've been cooler if there were hash tables for that amortised O(1), but I don't particularly think there's a good way to make a data structure in BYOND to do that.
Assuming reference by index is constant-time, you could do that easily. Make a list, set len to whatever size your table wants to start at, hash thing, put in table.
I don't think it is, that's the problem.
for (var/i = 0 to 10000) world << l[1]

for (var/i = 0 to 10000) world << l[1]

Ran that in profiling, got essentially the same numbers for both (.706 to .697, so probably within experimental error)
In response to Jp
Are you saying... next["\ref[thing]"] = 1
In response to Jp
Well that's a nice plus.
In response to Jp
I've found that world << blah is kind of funky for profiling. There's quite a bit of time involved in the output.
next["\ref[t2]"] = t2
to put t2 into next.

gets t2 or null, depending on whether t2 is in next.

removes t2 from next.
In response to Jp
Just as I thought... but we actually don't need to store the reference, do we? We could just check if its 1 or not. If it isn't, its either 0 or not even an entry.
In response to FIREking
FIREking wrote:
I've found that world << blah is kind of funky for profiling. There's quite a bit of time involved in the output.

for (var/i = 0 to 1000000) tot += l[1]

for (var/i = 0 to 1000000) tot += l[1]

takes much less time (as you'd expect), but they still take approximately the same time, so I'm still confident that list access by index is constant-time.
In response to FIREking
FIREking wrote:
Just as I thought... but we actually don't need to store the reference, do we? We could just check if its 1 or not. If it isn't, its either 0 or not even an entry.

You need to be able to get the first item in the next list so you can process it. So you do need to store the item in there. (You get it by getting next[next[1]])
In response to Jp
Ah right, there's no way to "get" something if you know its "\ref[]"
In response to FIREking
FIREking wrote:
Ah right, there's no way to "get" something if you know its "\ref[]"

world << locate("\ref[src]")

EDIT: Incidental: This could be very useful for making weak references, if you ever needed that functionality.
In response to Jp
Well damn. You learn something new every day.
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