I also see how this can be abused in a way...
Put that baby in a while loop.
In response to Wissam
Wissam wrote:
I also see how this can be abused in a way...
Put that baby in a while loop.

Which is why the one sending the page had to, originally, accept it in game.
That's why I also said have a delay between each recipient and each mass page.
Maybe BYOND could make it so you have to wait 10 seconds per page, the message would stay in a list waiting to be sent, this would be pretty nice. But I would say no to mass pages, that sounds really abusable.
That's also in the article. See, I got this! ;) I thought it through lol.
Hmm I fully support this,it should help out the community and byond as a whole quite a bit
Bumping this.
Would love to see this working!
Hm.. The problem is that it *will* be abused. You can limit it whatever you want to, but in the end, I'm still thinking I'll eventually get the "JOIN MA NARUTO GAME IS SO NEW!" spam from pre-500 again.

Other than that, in the place you're hoping to use it for, it's a great idea.
You can limit it where the page can't be sent via SendPage() to the same person twice in the same hour?

Lets say I used SendPage() to @Laser50, if I have my SendPage() code try to send another thing to him, nothing will occur because of my timeout/cooldown with him.

This will require more database usage though to keep track of everybody that has got sent a page and a timestamp on when it will expire. Then you can run CronJobs every hour or half hour to automatically remove the clutter from the database, or just have it remove it when SendPage() is next called and check if the cooldown has expired.

What about it sending to fans of the game, and if say a game is abusing its functionality all a person has to do is simply un-fan the game. If that defeats the function of the Fan button then create another that is like follow which is basically like signing up for newsletters on the game.
or what subscribing to something used to be haha like a news feed and such
I could see that feasible, dunno if BYOND does
In response to Akto
Akto wrote:
What about it sending to fans of the game, and if say a game is abusing its functionality all a person has to do is simply un-fan the game. If that defeats the function of the Fan button then create another that is like follow which is basically like signing up for newsletters on the game.

This is already done with the simple use of the update feature in the BYOND pager. Regardless, you can't do it via code. And I originally wanted this SendPage() feature in due to the fact that it should send updates to specific users at specific times (i.e. when their service is ending). It would have automated the utility so I could leave it to run by itself. But, I don't care anymore. Someone else might have a use for it.
I really would love to see the SendPage() proc working again. BYOND had no problem with these ''spam'' issues even though it could be easily fixed as you guys mentioned. The only reason why it no longer works is because of the major pager update we got.

Hope this gets added back.
Actually from my understanding, it was from the website update, switching things to forums, even the pages and such. Overall I think we all miss it and would love to have it back.
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