Ideas for enhanced usage of the Grid system so that the overall grid, or the grid's themselves can be better used.

1. An execute function within the grid system that can be enabled or disabled that would call a function when an empty cell is clicked. For example if I wanted to call Slider() with it, it would call Slider(x,y)

2. The ability to disable the Stat Panel type output that the grid does, where when an object is outputted you can disable the name that it outputs. At the moment if you put name = null, it still leaves a space in the grid cell for this.

3. Being able to output HTML and an object to a cell would be incredibly helpful when working with objects that don't fill the whole area.

4. An option to remove the ugly scroll wheel that comes up if the grid takes up too much space, even if it's intentional.

5. When an object in a grid is clicked, why can't output the grid name, and the cell location in terms of x and y?
@5. Doesn't it? Clicking a grid makes the location argument the grid. I'm not sure if it includes the x and y, but that might be in the parameters.