eye = locate(x,y+1,z)
eye = locate(x,y-1,z)

This would be called upon when the mouse middle button is scrolled up or down. Or of course on laptops their scroll on the touch pad aswell.

They would act as client commands, just as if you have South(), West(), etc. It would allow new possibilities for BYOND games, for spectating games you could move up and down the map with it, and for RPG games for example, you could scroll through items in your inventory. Just something I'd like to see.

Edit: Another possibility for this that popped into my head is for the game Proelium. It would switch through your weapons for you.
This would be pretty awesome yet so would right clicking have they done that yet?.
In response to A.T.H.K
No...but still :-). Hey, maybe they will add it? We never know. Hopefully they do, this will allow alot more customizable games and concepts to be produced.
In response to A.T.H.K
A.T.H.K wrote:
This would be pretty awesome yet so would right clicking have they done that yet?.

Little birdies told me right clicking was in.

Not sure it is true, though.
In response to Repiv
It was in BYOND 3.5++ so I assume it's in BYOND 4.0.
It would be very nice, but of course you'd need to limit when it is called based on what part of the Dream Seeker window is currently focused, ie if you're scrolling threw the text window or a statpanel, you wouldn't want it to also change your weapon and stuff. Perhaps it should be limited internally to only be called when the map has focus, or have an argument that contains the current focused part? I don't think the latter would be very useful, but at least it doesn't "lock the doors" of usability.
In response to Kaioken
Yeah, I thought about this too, and figured if it was just in the map window, it may not be as useful as I thought. But I think I remember them saying that with the new map features, the map size could be turned up? Well, that would make it a tad easier to use this, rather than having to have your mouse over your map. But even though, if we didn't have this, you would probably have to use some on-screen hud anyways.
In response to XxDohxX
XxDohxX wrote:
I think I remember them saying that with the new map features, the map size could be turned up?

IIRC, true.

But even though, if we didn't have this, you would probably have to use some on-screen hud anyways.

Or a different key macro, but yeah, kind of also true.