Is it possible to make a code to allow simulated movement of non-tiled based games? Maybe by using pixel_x and pixel_y somehow? This is no biggie, I was just seeing what everyone thought...
it would be possible, but you would have to do quite a bit of checking and disabling of old procs.
In response to Ter13
heh probably not even worth it lol, maybe I'll tackle it sounds like a fun challenge, oh wait, school starts next week, ah screw it!
In response to Kujila
Already made one, so nyeh.
Ebonshadow has a pixelmovement demo....
Kujila wrote:
Is it possible to make a code to allow simulated movement of non-tiled based games? Maybe by using pixel_x and pixel_y somehow? This is no biggie, I was just seeing what everyone thought...

Well I have smooth movement in my racing game but there is no way to offset the client eye so the camera is still tile based.

So if you wanna see here's a link.