The pager could get stuck indefinitely failing to start up while disconnected from the Internet.
BYOND Version:500
Operating System:Windows XP Pro x64
Web Browser:Chrome 29.0.1547.76
Applies to:BYOND Pager
Status: Resolved (500.1210)

This issue has been resolved.
I assume this is the right section...
Anyway, I Want to know if we can use our accounts offline like we use too. At the moment I for one can not. If im offline and try to launch byond it just stays at the byond logo Pop-up before the pager appears. So the pager never loads if im offline. Which since it doesnt load i cant log in offline to use my account key for offline testings and such.
Tom changed status to 'Verified'
I have confirmed this in version 500. This is not the intended behavior and will be fixed.
Ack, I've been meaning to report this since the new pager released. Unfortunately, it happens because I'm not connected to the Internet. By the time I am, I've completely forgotten.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
The pager could get stuck indefinitely failing to start up while disconnected from the Internet.