Images didn't carry the dir of their parent atom, when they didn't specify a dir of their own.
BYOND Version:500.1209
Operating System:Windows 7 Ultimate
Web Browser:Chrome 29.0.1547.66
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Resolved (500.1210)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
I don't understand how, but the direction the player icon I'm using always seems to face SOUTH, no matter what the value of the user's atom.dir is. I've double checked the icon file to make sure it actually can change: . However, as noted in this picture: the icon's direction hasn't changed.
(I use an /image object for the mob's icon for punishment reasons, could this be related to the problem?)

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1: Create a 4-Direction or 8-Direction Icon.
2: Attach it to a movable atom, preferably a mob.
3: Use the Stat() proc to show the direction of the movable atom.
4: Move around using the arrow keys (I use the step() proc and forum_account's Keyboard library for this)
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
The used stat proc is as follows:
if(NORTH)stat("dir = NORTH")
if(SOUTH)stat("dir = SOUTH")
if(EAST)stat("dir = EAST")
if(WEST)stat("dir = WEST")
if(NORTHEAST)stat("dir = NORTHEAST")
if(NORTHWEST)stat("dir = NORTHWEST")
if(SOUTHEAST)stat("dir = SOUTHEAST")
if(SOUTHWEST)stat("dir = SOUTHWEST")

Expected Results:
The icon changes direction according the the value of atom.dir

Actual Results:
The icon's direction always faces south, regarless of weather atom.dir is equal to NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, NORTHEAST, SOUTHEAST, NORTHWEST, or SOUTHWEST.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?All the time.
In other games?No, the other ones don't process like this.
In other user accounts?Yep.
On other computers?Don't have one to check with.

When does the problem NOT occur?When the version is one before 500.1206.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.) 499 and before, 500.1205, 500.1206.

Workarounds:use BYOND 499 and before, BYOND 500.1205, or BYOND 500.1206.
I'm confused by the example code; is this happening only on statpanels, or also on the map?

The fact that you're using an /image could well be the issue. With an ordinary mob I don't see this, but I don't recall seeing anything from images either; I'll retest those.
In response to Lummox JR
What I'm trying to say is that the icon used for the /image always appears to be facing south, and it never seems to update to face NORTH, EAST, or WEST.
In response to Pokemonred200
Right, but does that happen on the map, statpanel, or both? Your example code uses stat(), which doesn't make sense in the context of the bug if this has only been observed on the map. I see that it's in your numbered steps, although it doesn't really need to be if you're just using it as a diagnostic tool.
In response to Lummox JR
It only seems to happen on the map. I'm using stat() to check the value of atom.dir to make sure it changes, which indeed it does.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Images didn't carry the dir of their parent atom, when they didn't specify a dir of their own.
In response to Lummox JR
Thanks! /images are really important to my games.