You know how we used to be able to click a target to satisfy a prompt? Well, why don't we make that possible?

var/obj/O = input("Select a target:") as target

Then a player could click on a target in their statpanels or on the map, and O would be set to it. Obviously, it wouldn't be a standard Click() for the prompt; the former method wasn't either. For all intents and purposes, whenever the 'as target' input came up, the default Click() wouldn't apply.

There's room for error in this method, however, if someone doesn't provide for it; if you click a target, if it isn't of the appropriate type, then a designer could forget to check for it and cause lots of proc crashes. Additionally, if there aren't any objects of the required type in view and a designer makes it constantly reprompt until a valid target is chosen, players could be permanently stuck. But it's essentially sound otherwise, because the same problems lie with other input()'s as well!

Good or bad idea? I'm sure a lot of people would think this was a fairly good one, but I could be wrong.

(There's never been a known occurrence of me being wrong, but hey, once in a blue moon, right? ;-)