Ok i have to tell a little about my game first. I'm making a game and i want there to be a dream type thing (which makes up most of the game). Before the dream though, I want the player to be in their room and the fall asleep and dream the rest of the game. Now i want to have two seperate maps, one for the room, and one for the game. set the main map's floor as one thing but for the room, i want to have something else. I have my map sized but i want to add an area to it and guess what? Can't figure out how to do this.
Ok i have to tell a little about my game first. I'm making a game and i want there to be a dream type thing (which makes up most of the game). Before the dream though, I want the player to be in their room and the fall asleep and dream the rest of the game. Now i want to have two seperate maps, one for the room, and one for the game. set the main map's floor as one thing but for the room, i want to have something else. I have my map sized but i want to add an area to it and guess what? Can't figure out how to do this.

Sounds like a neat game idea. To add areas to a world, first you have to have more than one area defined. Here's an example:


Now if you compile this and then go into the map editor, you'll be able to draw five different area types on the map: /area, plus its four subtypes (/area/bedroom, etc.). Just pick them from the "area" node on the object tree.

There is a menu option called "frame areas" that will outline all areas on the map with black borders. It doesn't change your game at all--just makes it easier to see where the areas are.

Hope this helps!