C:\Program Files\BYOND\bin\byond.dll:1:error at 'MZ': expected macro or alias definition

I typed in .script in Dream Seeker, and it gave me a prompt to pick one of the files in the BYOND bin folder. So I picked one, and this is what I got.

Huh? What's .script for, anyway?
On 1/27/01 1:22 am Spuzzum wrote:
C:\Program Files\BYOND\bin\byond.dll:1:error at 'MZ?': expected macro or alias definition

I typed in .script in Dream Seeker, and it gave me a prompt to pick one of the files in the BYOND bin folder. So I picked one, and this is what I got.

Huh? What's .script for, anyway?

You shouldn't use any of the '.' commands. Mostly they are there to provide testing of backend things without having to go through the dialogs. This one is just for loading a .dms file.
In response to Tom H.
You shouldn't use any of the '.' commands. Mostly they are there to provide testing of backend things without having to go through the dialogs. This one is just for loading a .dms file.

You should hide them with a less-often used character, then. Like '?'.
In response to Spuzzum
On 1/27/01 2:21 am Spuzzum wrote:
You should hide them with a less-often used character, then. Like '?'.

Or simply make them hidden verbs!