Here is some stuff I've been working on for a while. The only thing I didn't make in there are the palisade walls.

SeptScreeny photo BlahShot_zps473cc3c1.png
The grass is a little too contrasty, which makes some of the objects, and the ninja turtle?, pretty difficult to read. Other than that, I love the feel of the art style. The roughness reminds me of Haven and Hearth.
Was this resized? Everything looks... Blurry.
How does this color change look? SecondScreeny photo scrnshot1_zpsa32287f8.png Also, that's a cobra-man. XP

And yes, Ter13, it's been reduce for whatever reason. :S You can click on it to get the actual size.
Reminds me of Haven and Hearth. The color change is a big step forward.
I'd like to make a Haven and Hearth-like game, actually. I found out about it after finding a game on indieDB that was called Colonies, but is now called Dwell. In their forums I found out about Haven and Hearth. I checked it out and didn't like how I had to click everywhere to move so I haven't played more than 5 minutes or so. What struck me about Colonies/Dwell is that your stat increases were dependent upon what you ate and probability.
I used to play Haven and Hearth with the reddit village. We had a lot of fun. Looks like you've captured the spirit a bit.
An isometric game...

I have seen many brave programmers journey into iso-land, never to return. One must tread carefully, so as not to be overwhelmed by the structure of the alternate dimension. To find straight paths, one must zigzag.

With that said, I like the texture of your lighter sand terrain the most. While the colors may be alright, the dirt and grass textures are not very convincing. Also, is there something wrong with the Southern edge of the grass? It doesn't blend in like the other directions.
Yes there is. I had fixed it once already because it was worse, lol, and I was wondering if I had to it again. I can see the dirt grass not being convincing as I've been thinking of remaking them, or trying to experiment with more designs for them.

I'm not sure the grass is the issue now that I'm actually looking at it. Maybe it's the dirt because there is a line coming out of the grass and it's the only one for the tile.
Looks promising keep it up!
Here is a different shot where I've redone the dirt tiles and changed the ocean/shore colors.
oceanshot2 photo scrnshot3_zps3bf78556.png

oceanshot1 photo scrnshot2_zps02ceb507.png
reminds me of a more graphically adept version of the pc game stronghold