Maptext now supports full transformations via atom.transform. It also now has a virtual KEEP_TOGETHER with its parent icon.
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Resolved (510.1324)

This issue has been resolved.
Applying rotation and scaling to maptext is way more difficult than it has any right to be, but how does everyone feel about the idea of applying translation only?

Currently maptext is totally unaffected by a translation matrix. I'm not sure this is really a big deal for people, since there are pixel offset workarounds--except in the case of screen objects. It's pretty easy for me to make translation apply. Should I?
I think it probably would just be easier to have some variables for translation or offsets, possibly. Such has maptext_x and maptext_y.

Also i think maptext should have an unlimited width and height by default.
Did that issue with maptext not wrapping correctly ever get fixed?
I'm not sure, Albro. I know I didn't touch it but the maptext code was mostly Tom's, and he may have handled it.
Iirc, maptext width and height would have to be defined before using maptext. Its been a while though.
Honestly, rotation and scaling aren't overly necessary. I'm fine with it just being translation until which time we can get some sort of built-in DMIFonts setup.
I'd just like to see the text wrapping work a little...cleaner. When you have a long unending string of characters with no spaces, it won't wrap.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Honestly, rotation and scaling aren't overly necessary. I'm fine with it just being translation until which time we can get some sort of built-in DMIFonts setup.

That's not a bad idea. To be able to set certain things as a DMI would be particularly good. I suppose it would only be for monospaced fonts, or, a /font datum would need to be made with something like the following setup:

size = 10
width = 10 // or list() containing ascii 32-126
icon = 'thefont.dmi'

I have a DMI font I use in one of my projects that uses ASCII numbers for its characters. This can also allow me to use ascii characters that aren't normally used (over 126) to make special symbols for the game.

In response to Makeii
Albro1 wrote:
I'd just like to see the text wrapping work a little...cleaner. When you have a long unending string of characters with no spaces, it won't wrap.

This. I noticed that same behaviour when acquainting myself with maptext just a little earlier today, didn't understand why it was doing that.

Makeii wrote:
That's not a bad idea. To be able to set certain things as a DMI would be particularly good. I suppose it would only be for monospaced fonts, or, a /font datum would need to be made with something like the following setup:

> font
> size = 10
> width = 10 // or list() containing ascii 32-126
> icon = 'thefont.dmi'

Hmmm, kinda like what forum_account did for his speech bubbles library:

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Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Maptext now supports full transformations via atom.transform. It also now has a virtual KEEP_TOGETHER with its parent icon.