for(var/turf_check in typesof(/turf/system) - list(/turf, /turf/system))
areas += ++list_len
for(var/X in areas)
areas[X] = "open"

var/list/areas = list()

for(var/X in areas)
if(areas[X] == "open")
M.spawn_zone = "S[X]"
M.loc = locate(text2path("/turf/system/[M.spawn_zone]"))
areas[X] = "taken"

If you need me to include more bits of it, just say so.

Problem description:
Well, it's supposed to file through all of the turfs under /turf/system (minus the ones removed) which would leave /turf/system/S1, /turf/system/S2, etc. The list is there so I wouldn't have to have the unnecessary variables.

The problem I have is that the player isn't being spawned and I'm incredibly tired so I don't know if the logic was off on it or not.

Thanks in advance,
In associative lists you can not give numbers associations and it makes sense that "8=open" can never happen, instead try turning those numbers into text like so:

for(var/turf_check in typesof(/turf/system) - list(/turf, /turf/system))
areas += "[++list_len]"
for(var/X in areas)
areas[X] = "open"

var/list/areas = list()

for(var/X in areas)
if(areas[X] == "open")
M.spawn_zone = "S[X]"
M.loc = locate(text2path("/turf/system/[M.spawn_zone]"))
areas[X] = "taken"
In response to ExPixel
Worked like a charm!
Thank you very much, bro!
list[8] = "open" is totally acceptable, contrary to what ExPixel has said. The difference is you are using an index, not a key.

The other difference is that if the index doesn't exist, you will get a runtime error. When using a key, the index is created for you. Luckily for you, you are creating the index beforehand, and, also luckily, the key is the number of the position you're at.

Basically what you're doing is:
areas += 1, areas += 2, etc...
areas[1] = "open", areas[2] = "open", etc...
for(var/x in areas)
world << x // outputs "open"

And since there is no association for your "open" key, that code block never executes.

If you replaced for(var/x in areas) with for(var/x=1 to areas.len), your code should work perfectly.

Personally, I don't understand why you're making this so complicated.

var/taken = FALSE

Then all you have to do is find one that isn't taken at runtime.

for(var/turf/system/spawn/spawn in world)
if(!spawn.taken) return spawn

turf/system/spawn/spawn = null // the spawn point we own

Login() // or wherever you handle logging in
// ...
var/turf/system/spawn/available = get_available_spawn()
src << "There is no room at the inn."
del src

available.taken = TRUE
spawn = available
loc = spawn
// ...

Logout() // or wherever you handle logging out
// ...
spawn.taken = FALSE
spawn = null

No lists to initialize or manage.
Simple, no?
In response to Keeth
It was already working my friend, thanks to Ex.
The whole purpose of this was to avoid assigning variables for each little zone. It works great now, and no runtime errors(however I haven't tested it in a multi-player environment yet).
In response to Kumorii
I know it's working. I was explaining the issue you were having to begin with.

And why exactly are you avoiding defining a variable on the zone that indicates it's in use? You aren't gaining anything by using the list method. In fact, you are only losing intuitiveness in the process.

I mean, why wouldn't you keep data pertaining to the zone ON the zone? That just makes sense.

Also makes it 300x easier to use.