
atom.blend_mode gives us even more graphics rendering power on top of animate(), atom.transform, atom.color, and atom.alpha. This is an example of additive blending.
You always amaze me Makeii.
share the code or you didn't make this. :| Experiments/

Careful. There's apparently a memory leak regarding matrix manipulation in this example. Don't run this for extremely long periods of time.

that's all i've gotta say.
I was tweaking around with the blend_mode and came to love BLEND_ADD, of course I am sure that BLEND_SUBTRACT and BLEND_MULTIPLY will also come in handy.

Does look a bit unnatural though.

After a few tweaks it looks a bit better.
It is amazing what you can do with this, all kinds of projectiles, auras, all kinds of magic effects!

Another variation of the flame, but this time kind of like a mana flame or such?
Damn, but that looks good! How 'expensive' is it in terms of object count and processing needed?
In response to Topkasa
Well the flames which are normally colored took more particles to generate, the bottom mana flame took around 80 image objects for it look "so-so", it can be more optimized to use less images, it barely uses any CPU on my laptop.

Of course this is note intended to be direcly used in any games, all has to be reasonly downsized and made more efficent in terms of image object usage etc.

Both flame types use different kinds of projectile images aswell.
Creating objs every tick really isn't that expensive, and you can avoid moving them a lot manually if you use animation.

In Makeii's flame example, using animation to spin the flames would bypass the need to keep transforming them, which would also prevent the creation of lots of new Appearances. The pixel movement as-is can't be done with animation, but I'm sure it'd be possible to find a compromise on that too.

Also just to let you know, the leak in the code came from reading atom.transform, a leak that was missed in 500's beta tests (probably because it's not all that common to read from atom.transform anyway). Assigning a fresh matrix each time rather than reading atom.transform would be enough to prevent that, but then so would animate() if you're willing to accept linear (or otherwise eased) scaling changes.

These graphical features are a godsend Lummox. BYOND has the potential to put out a lot of really pretty-looking games now. I love these features a lot.

-hugs Lummox-

You're doin' a damn good job.
To be honest I am interested in the expenses in terms of network traffic. Would using pre-made image object types be more efficent in terms of it.

For example:


While the animate() is client sided, the server still has to give it instructions on how to animate. Correct me if I am wrong.
I would assume that parsing through those instructions would only be a few bytes worth of data if that.

Best way to check is install iftop on a linux box hosting the server, login and activate your test.

The average connection I've seen between player and DD server is minimal.

It's probably not even worth looking into.
Well, I take it the traffic is minimal indeed, but in terms of creating a large amount of image objects and on a regular basis and for a larger number of players, I'm trying to find out it's cost.

Well, I'm heading to work, but I suppose I'd want to take a deeper look into it.

In general I'd be interested on how the data send in a client-server relationship in BYOND format would look like, what shortcuts it takes to minimize data-traffic etc.

I'd be happy to get some insight into this.
*stares at flames of holiness*

Here's a little bit of info on how BYOND networks objs and animations:

1) Each tick after turfs are sent, objs and mobs in view are analyzed and changes to what each client has seen are checked. A message for each (one for mobs, one for objs) is sent, which includes changes in layering, dirs, step offsets, pixel offsets, a few other stats, and most importantly the Appearance. Multiple copies of either message may be sent if too many objects have changed for one message. If any Appearance is new to the client, it's sent before this message. Quite awhile back, I decoupled pixel offsets from Appearances for objs and mobs so that this process would be a little cleaner on the network.

2) After the obj and mob updates are sent, pending animations for each client are sent. The animation info includes the start time and loop info and the object it belongs to, then for each stage there's a from and to Appearance (sent in advance if the client hasn't seen it yet--this includes the pixel offsets), easing, and time.

The animation message itself is quite compact, and the obj/mob map messages are relatively compact as well. Appearances can have a little bloat to them, depending on their contents, though in the grand scheme of things I don't think they're all that big. With animations, the "to" of one stage is usually the "from" of another anyway. Appearances are only sent if the client hasn't seen them yet, which the server keeps track of. (The client will also tell the server if it has let go of an Appearance it wasn't using anymore.)

Makeii's flame demo should be pretty good on new Appearances once all the rotations have been generated, since the alpha and rotation basically are tied right in with how long the particle has existed and they're the same from particle to particle; all that's changing is the pixel offset. Basically he'll only ever have 255 or 256 of them, not counting the background. The pixel offset and Appearance changes for each obj will be numerous however, and in his case will result in several obj map messages being sent to cover all those changes.

A version that relied strictly on animate() might need fewer Appearance changes and would also result in just one obj change (and one animation message) per tick; however it seems likely that new Appearances would also be needed to cover the pixel offsets in the animations, so maybe that would be a wash.
I've been playing around with this and after adapting it to work from an emitter I noticed that the frame rate plummeted when there were multiple occurrences.

So I took the idea of using it in conjunction with animate and the results were several times worse, it seems to run smoother when you use it without the use of animate as Makeii did originally.

It's unfortunate really because I was looking forward to the possibility of introducing a particle system using BYOND.
It might be that using the version with animate() produces too many new Appearances. With an animation of this type, that's bound to be an issue. Particles of other types might handle animate() much more smoothly.
I forgot to mention this, but 511.1215 removes some of the disparity between hardware and software mode: The additive blend mode is supported, and so is atom.color.
Nice work.
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