Sorry for the wait, got caught up with stuff yesterday. Here ya go, let me know if you'd like any changes. Literally takes a minute or two to make.

 photo NoviaGalaxia.png
Sorry. I have to go to the hospital now...

Lol, this is not amazing though. I like it. :) Thanks, MDC. I'm going to practice doing some by myself too. I'll be adding this shortly.
Okay, I finally got to downloading Paint.NET. What did you do to make this image? Did you draw all of it by hand or did you use some extra stuff to automatically do it for you? I see transparencies at the edges is why. Seems like a lot of work. :P
That's AAing automatically made in Photoshop. I forgot to turn AAing on for the color change in the text.
I picked out a nice looking font then the rest I worked on myself.
The closest font I could find is Impact. I liked the font you used.
I'll let you know the name in a sec.

Edit: It's called "Agency FB"
I guess I have to install that somehow, huh? This gets hard because I can't use my web browser. I'm using Paint.NET on a virtual machine and I just installed a 3D Driver. Pretty much.. if I open my Google Chrome the whole thing crashes and I have to start up the virtual machine again. I'm waiting on a fix for this lol.
Well damn x-x
I know right? That's why I've been procrastinating installing this. I had to get it on my Linux OS and then throw it in my dropbox just to get the file on my Windows OS. Then it took forever to install. Lol. I need a Windows computer so I can just run Cygwin on it as a Linux Emu.
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