heal(mob/M as mob in oview(20))
set category = "Skills"
if (MP <= healm)
"You don't have enough mana! You need [src.healm] to use this!"
src.MP -= src.healm
M.HP += src.healh
M << "You have been magically healed [src.healh] damamage!"

Problem description:

I get these area errors:
The expected expression
The unbalanced }

I am so confused...
Neos300 wrote:
          heal(mob/M as mob in oview(20))// <--- mob/M and as mob? Why?
set category = "Skills"
if (MP <= healm)
"You don't have enough mana! You need [src.healm] to use this!"//<---- Who's this suppose to be outputed to? M or usr?
src.MP -= src.healm
M.HP += src.healh
M << "You have been magically healed [src.healh] damamage!"
Seriously, read your code before making a help topic. You should create a topic only as a last resort.
Everyone occasionally has a small mistake or forgets to add a little operator or as such, but posting for help on such obvious problems on the forums is just milking the forum helpers. You are not blind, I trust that had you took the little effort required you would've found the problem yourself, it's certainly nothing complex.